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Full-Service Flat Fee Real Estate in Southeast Wisconsin

Serving Lake Country, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, and all of Southeast Wisconsin
Delivered Your Way
Proven Results. Proven Savings.
No other area real estate company offers our combination of experience, service, results, and savings.
Your Savings with Lake Country Flat Fee
Traditional 6% Commission
Lake Country flat fee

Our Team
Lake Country Flat Fee first originated back in 2002 with the founding of our original real estate brokerage by Paul and Kris Liebe. Our flagship Lake Country By Owner brand was a huge success. Our objective was to provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional real estate companies. We quickly became the #1 discount/flat fee real estate company in Southeast Wisconsin. Over the years our “by owner” model had evolved into more of a “full service” flat fee model so in 2014 Lake Country Flat Fee was born! Today we continue as Southeast Wisconsin’s #1 alternative real estate company.

Client Success Stories